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Mary Queen of Hearts Prayer
This sweet, healing prayer contains a beautiful guided imagery which will bring you into an experience of great love and healing as you :
Deepen your connection with Mother Mary, our Universal Mother.
Experience your heart unfolding as a lotus blossom through Mother Mary's love.
Receive Mother's powerful white light to heal and rejuvenate your entire body and auric field.
Feel yourself being elevated into a new frequency of abundance, love, peace and bliss.
Allow Mary to adorn your heart with her love, beauty, sweetness and grace
Deepen your connection with Mother Mary, our Universal Mother.
Experience your heart unfolding as a lotus blossom through Mother Mary's love.
Receive Mother's powerful white light to heal and rejuvenate your entire body and auric field.
Feel yourself being elevated into a new frequency of abundance, love, peace and bliss.
Allow Mary to adorn your heart with her love, beauty, sweetness and grace
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